Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Being Naive..

Back.. Back after Recession.. A Recession of thoughts, thought- provoking thoughts!
Apologies to 'the few' who might have given a recall.. "o yes, he started writing blog, what happened now?" and to others, I like u as well, but, your life didn't take a pause with this pause and neither did mine! (plz tolerate my PJs)

All this while, there have been issues.. Issues at individual level and at rather comprehensive, collective level. December -Januray, the mercury dropped down to levels that even 'global warming' had frozen! Come summers, and electronic media will have a 24*7 ready 'issue' to be presented.

Quite a time ago, there had been voices over coldrinks containing pesticide! A little later it shuddered down, though. But recently, I found out that coldrinks sale had risen even better than anticipated. And it was interesting to know that the reason was, Farmers using coldrink as pesticide, 'cause it cost them cheaper than the government subsidised pest-controls!

There's definitely a lot more to come.. I've lots of time.. If I can't find time for myself, then its better, I'm off myself!

आज सुबह खबर में पढ़ा के कलमाड़ी साहब फरार हो गए हैं! हमे लगता है की इतना रुपया बनाया है तो सकता है दुनिया की सैर पे निकल गए होंगे!

-Shall get you more, on a better tomorrow! :)
take care!