Monday, June 21, 2010

Summer 2010!

Ah, summers at peak! Every season has its own grace just like we have blooming bouganvillia and sweating foreheads adding rather elementing the summers. A little more time and 'this too shall pass' with monsoon arriving in and giving us another thing to 'dislike'.
With the change in weather, all what's going to remain same, is the moisture on our bodies transforming from sweat of summers to rain water(lest u feel the rain, more than just from your window pane). The former uncherished and the latter highly awaited.

Being fortunate enough, we show our dislike for the heat sitting in the coolers and fans! Not only the heat, the case is same with the flooding rains or the rib tickling cold. The only sufferer is the poor on the streets. Weaving grass covers during summers for coolers and taking up seasonal
jobs to earn the evening meal. Our kind of heat is felt for short duration of time and that makes us unadaptive to the season.

Nevertheless, its really hot out here. Lets wait for the rain drops to pour us down and in the meantime try your measures to Beat the Heat!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Issue'd' In Private Interest

How often it happens with us, that we feel strongly about some issue or the other.
By default, we've been put on earth in an age when time elapses so soon, things change, people change, issues change and what does not.

The other day, I was really worried about the electricity shortage. Then aircrash, followed by the train mishap. In recent times naxalism has also been a much talked about issue.
So, the issue i want to raise is that, what makes something an issue? And how it affects people like me. The typical middle class strata youth busy deciding what to study, new profile pic, sms pack, hanging out etc. We see a celebrity, posing for a photo with vegetation in the backdrop and then enchanting the mantra "only 1411 left... save tigers". Being null at mind, I join the group to "save tigers"! But I'm still unaware of how it's going to help. I mean I wont kill a tiger even if the count was somewhere in millions and probably none would do except for the few who do. Wouldn't a stricter law be more apt to regulate such an issue?

Citing another issue, our patriotism. Its a sensitive topic to be dealt with. Our kind of patriotism is not a quotidian thing, its more like a festive thing being flaunted twice a year. Had it not been so, India would have been a lesser problematic nation. Nevertheless, there are many activists around us, who would change the system if they get that opportunity/authority (sarcasm intended).

And to a great despair, why it happens that an issue doesn't survive more than a couple of days?
Why the common voice and views are bound to that corner tea stalls only, where only Guptaji and Sharmaji take a note to it and then ask who won yesterday's match? A consensus is made that politics is bad, the country will not progress, Naxalism can't be tackled, inflation can't be curbed, et al.

Most of the trouble in the world is caused because of people wanting themselves to be more important.

With a population 1/6 of the world, troubles are sure to trouble us, its just that we need to be ordinary in our demands and simpler in our attempts of demand.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Decision unmade...

Its seemingly quite mixed sort of thoughts I get when I take time out of my free schedule to look back, from where I started almost a year back.
It was around this time only, 10+2 results were out and without any amazement to anyone I managed to make it "an average" show. Post results the time I had was really significant in moulding my life which would follow my decisions taken then. Thereafter followed some entrance examinations, out of which I managed to get into half of them, surprisingly for myself, as for others!
Now one of the most bizarre incidents ever happened with me is that despite being eligible for one of the best institutes, I settled with the second option I had. Befuddled with my decision, I was often asked why did I not take the best option I had? I was always of the thought that how do i justify it rather should I justify?
The reasons or to be more precise the intentions were clear, 'What's best for all, could not necessarily be the best for me.'
It has become a real tough scene for people deciding over important issues. Issues that are life moulding. Having encountered a few, I, at no point wanted to regret what I decide. How would I tackle any reprehensible thought? It's more important to know what I want form myself. When I look at myself inside and out, I know what I want from myself. Name, fame, authority? I guess ,not! One thing was sure I never wanted the general best. Not being maverick but self.
So, the decision is yet to be taken, not in pursuit of happiness but satisfaction!