Thursday, November 24, 2011


Violence is never good, though it may seem appropriate at certain situation.

Sharad Pawar, union minister for agriculture in India, was bewildered with
a slap which was perceived by the civilised intelligentsia as an "assault" on

Now what really wonders me is that there are two perceptions of democracy
we breathe in. There are two constitutions, one for the ordinary citizens also
resented as "the common man" and the other for their elected representatives.
The citizens' constitution begins..
and the other opens..

Todays' incident followed wave of reactions. Some condemned it, some believed its a
publicity stunt, some (posing intellect) remarked it as the outburst of the affliction on the common-man. Nevertheless, bottomline -everyone enjoyed.

Drifting a bit, the winter session of the parliament has begun. With all the chaos and non-agreements, all three days (as yet) have been wasted. No discussions, no bills, no work.
Being responsible, have the members of parliament given a thought to the
fact that an hour of session costs Rs. 25 lakhs and a day Rs. 2.25 crore and the whole session would cost Rs.52 crores.. I doubt. Talking about all the 8 sessions of the present 15th Lok Sabha, it should have worked 897 hours but it turned out to have worked only 372 hours!
Outside the parliament they talk about justice to tax-payers' hard-earned money and
taking up issues of public interest but when in house what are they upto is anybody's guess.

But, that does not disappoint, because recently a culture has evolved in which discussions are not held in official places instead issues are discussed in news channels with a pannel of few guests (a couple of rival politicians, an economic expert, a social worker, etc) and a journalist cum host, which often concludes with the line ..और समय की कमी के चलते इस बहस यहीं समाप्त करते हैं। नमस्कार। Let us see, where it takes us.

And just for information, foreign direct investment (FDI) has been approved in Indian retail
market. Walmart et al to soon be seen, shine in Indian cities. On the other hand, UN says, India has 40 percent of its population living below poverty line. Indian officials deny, they say ONLY 37 percent!

On a better day.

Have Fun!
Take Care! :)


  1. Fools are my theme, let satire be my song.

    well done yet again!!

  2. damn gud man. Bas food inflation ki details b yahan pe relate kr deni thi...
