Saturday, December 21, 2013

Govinda- one fine actor

Govinda was already a stellar-actor when I was born. He was ruling bollywood. A mass entertainer, a multi-faceted entertainer. Around early and mid-nineties his movies and he - literally were "No.1". Now two decades down, stars have changed positions. But for an avid 'masala cinema' lover, he is still unparalleled. Many actors followed him and made mark but none could be him, irreplaceable.
When it comes to acting, Dilip Kumar-Amitabh Bachchan-Govinda. This is how I sequence the hindi cinema's legend, a century old. While Kumar is a thespian par excellence and also a strong indicator that you need not be loud to act, Bachchan single-handedly changed the perception of 'Hero' in hindi films and brought machoism to the forefront.
Govinda, on the other hand, was most often the happy go lucky young man who would often beat the goons and save girl or elderly people, dance and sing on the streets in colourful pants (which are back in fashion now), cry during emotional sequences, and win in the end to "live happily everafter".
I cannot recall many actors besides Govinda who would do a "yaa.. yaw" during action scenes, which is a genuine expression during fights. I mean who fights lip-sealed sans all that oral aggression!
When Govinda cries on-screen you can actually see the tears. Its less about glycerine, believe me, just try imagining Bachchan or Dilip Kumar with eyes tear-filled. I know its hard work. Only Shah Rukh Khan is a match here.
Dance. Certainly a USP that will keep Govinda among the top when it comes to dancer-actors. Hrithik Roshan is phenomenal, no doubt, but dude... why so serious all the time? Mithun Chakraborty - magical on feet, was someone who danced with joy. In recent years, Salman Khan too has built an image for himself on the same line- dance is fun.
Dialogue delivery... perhaps one of the finest voice modulations one could be audience to. As assertive as assertion, as interrogative as interrogation. Comic timing, not far from Mehmood some say. Delhi Safari, India's official entry to Oscars 2012 in animation category, is a fine example of how things are said! Govinda, solely with his voice, had nailed it.
But then you cannot hold time. You cannot hold stars from changing positions. You cannot undo wrong decisions. There is a lot you cannot!
Govinda's stardom was toppled because was no more punctual to work by late 90s. His sudden disappearance from top-slot was similar to what had happened to Shammi Kapoor and Rajesh Khanna's stardom and much for the same reason- they had become tardy. Often late at work.
Bad decisions. He did a number of brainless movies which unlike his other no-brainers were short on entertainment value too! Diving without life-jacket, doomed to drown! Bad PR management when corporates were taking over the industry finances and lack of A-grade lobbying could also be very well be reasoned for the down-fall of Govinda who in 1999 featured on number 9 in a BBC list of global entertainers of the millennium.
Then, rejecting 'Taal' and 'Devdas' at a time when he really needed some good A-class work could be best comprehended by the actor alone but not doing what Anil Kapoor and Jackie Shroff later did was something Govinda fans would have loved to see.
It is a less-known fact that Govinda had occasionally contributed to the lyrics, dialogues, writing and music in the movies he worked but without any credit, no patent issues back then you see.
Not to forget the contribution of Rumi Jaffery, Kader Khan, David Dhawan, Saroj Khan and others who helped carve out the artist from a lump of talent people called Govind Arun Ahuja.

Happy Birthday Govinda!

On a better day.
Have fun!
Take Care :)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Bhaago Budget Aaya...

Budget, in its literal sense, refers to an economic event. It summarises income and expenditure in an organized manner and represents the direction of the economy. Come to India, my nation, and it is much more beyond the laissez faire economics.  One of the queers of Indian Budget lies in the fact that we first prepare the expenses list and then the income. Irony rules.

February 22, Budget Session of the parliament kicked off with the President of India addressing a joint house. The president, in his monotonous reading of his speech, uttered nothing which was not speculated of the government. Clarifications and justifications on not being able to provide sound economic ambience by “My Government” in a globally effected economy seemed the President’s objective.

However, the President is not the man of the hour instead it is the Finance Minister Mr. Palaniappan Chidambaram who’ll be placing the cards for India’s future discourse on February 28, 2013.  A shrewd economist, hardcore technocrat, troubleshooter politician and miraculously an MP from Sivaganga constituency in Tamil Nadu are attributes clutched in Chidambaram’s sophistication.

Finance is Chidambaram’s forte but he wouldn’t be very pleased by the state of domestic as well as global economy. In a time when the GDP growth rate has hit decadal low (5.3 from last year’s 6.7) , multitude of economic revamping in sight and votes at stake Chidambaram is sure to lose calories on chair. The budget 2013-2014 is critically important in wake of the government’s misled past years. The expectations of a fair budget by all sectors and people at large, during a time when nothing good (except for some foreign investments in drips and trickles) is coming FinMin’s way, this budget will test his mettle as no prior budget did.

Removing subsidies from Petro-products and removing cap from gas cylinders has raved news in recent times. Food Inflation and Retail Inflation were recorded at 6.62% and 10.79% respectively (as in January 2013). The Food Subsidy Bill, perceived as UPA-II’s trump card, will bring in lot of relief to the government wherein they do not have lot many eye-pleasing schemes to offer, blame limited revenue for that. Nearly 40 percent of India’s population lives below poverty line. Providing food to vastly deprived majority is remarkable on government’s part and so is the direct cash transfer scheme which aims at providing cash benefits instead of subsidy. The implementation of both schemes will be worth notice, as both schemes carve out huge amounts of government income which could have been used otherwise. 

 The GDP growth is not understood by masses, but figures do intrigue mediocrity. Sadly, it is not on government’s side, as it reached 5.3% in closing month of 2012. Reducing the Fiscal deficit is a herculean task, another point on Budget agenda. Fiscal deficit has increased from last year’s Rs.26, 199 Crore to Rs. 31,016 Crore this year. Fiscal deficit is an issue of grave importance, it is pivotal in deciding India’s economy down the years. Increasing the exemption limit on income tax and limiting interest rates will control middle-class mood sway.

Indian economy is in dire need of structural reforms at large level, is a fact well acknowledged by experts and populists as well. Imports have rose from USD 43 billion last year to USD 45 billion this year, while Exports saw a negligible growth from USD 25.4 billion in last year to USD 25.6 billion this year. The Forex reserves have dropped from USD 316 billion to USD 295 billion while the currency depreciated in its value Rs/USD 49 to 53. The only figures that seem to bring roar to Chidambaram’s vocal chords is the FDI inflow that has increased from 3 to 6.4% last fiscal.

With Goods and Services Tax, Land Acquisition Legislation, Restructuring Electricity Boards losses and Single Window Clearance for large projects on cards, Chidambaram might very well be able to please the private sector, but it’s always easier said than done! The middle class is media-driven, the poor driven by fateThe growth of economy would surely be on the government’s prime agenda as every year a new 10 million youngsters enter the workforce and providing them with work will be significant as a huge young lot will be out there to cast its vote for the first time. Not in his dreams can the Finance Minister sway with such big vote bank.

In the most abstract terms as I read it this budget, Chidambaram has to please a list of sectors while keeping the fiscal deficit minimum thereby not letting the Reserve Bank to increase interest rate. He will talk good on the dais as he presents the budget on Thursday, February 28 and showcase a vision to revamp a crippling economy standing at crossroads.

On a better day.

Have Fun!
Take Care! :)

Monday, February 4, 2013

Resolving my Resolution

Every new year I come up with thoughts of yearly resolutions. Watching the attachments to 'resolutions', I found it quite interesting. With attachments I mean the retrospection that one is clouded with over the last week of the year, and also the important events occurring during the same time frame. Its kind of cool talking about my yearly resolutions, the 'what' and 'why' added with zeal to improve myself. It all seems so blissful - new year resolution, cutting/adding on some habit and evolving as a better guy.

Then I recall some new year from the past and how my resolutions' failed drastically! Somehow every time, every single resolution that I took up was either forgotten after few weeks or ...
Taking up a resolution(decision)  is simple, sustaining it is not!

Well in the recent past year, my life has been more eventful than ever before. Graduated from Allahabad University, moved to Amravati for Post Graduation, enrolled into Journalism, new people, new ambiance and a lot new to be explored laid in front of me. Suddenly, one lazy Sunday morning I realized that something is missing. Something non- material, something from within me eludes. I took time out of my free schedule to look within and resolve my curious case. Who do i talk to about this, and more importantly What do i talk about? After earnest attempts of introspection, I could pin point that I have NOT been writing since long!
Writing for myself, writing for my blog post and few interested (coerced) readers.

On the dawn of 2013 i decided that I will write regularly. I have a resolution to keep, an instinct to suffice. Nevertheless, this sheer laziness and lost soul inside me keeps me wandering in less productive and fruit-less works. I intended to publish this post in the first week of January. posting it now, a month later! I need to improve my timing and be more disciplined.

Nothing much of satire or sarcasm, least of all humour in this post. Should it always be like that, maybe not.

एक शेर लिखा था जब इलाहाबाद में पेहले साल था तो ..

हवा खुश्क , मौसम कुछ सर्द था 
और बस थी इतनी खबर के बेखबर थे हम ..  

On a better day!
Have Fun, Take care!

KD :)