Monday, February 4, 2013

Resolving my Resolution

Every new year I come up with thoughts of yearly resolutions. Watching the attachments to 'resolutions', I found it quite interesting. With attachments I mean the retrospection that one is clouded with over the last week of the year, and also the important events occurring during the same time frame. Its kind of cool talking about my yearly resolutions, the 'what' and 'why' added with zeal to improve myself. It all seems so blissful - new year resolution, cutting/adding on some habit and evolving as a better guy.

Then I recall some new year from the past and how my resolutions' failed drastically! Somehow every time, every single resolution that I took up was either forgotten after few weeks or ...
Taking up a resolution(decision)  is simple, sustaining it is not!

Well in the recent past year, my life has been more eventful than ever before. Graduated from Allahabad University, moved to Amravati for Post Graduation, enrolled into Journalism, new people, new ambiance and a lot new to be explored laid in front of me. Suddenly, one lazy Sunday morning I realized that something is missing. Something non- material, something from within me eludes. I took time out of my free schedule to look within and resolve my curious case. Who do i talk to about this, and more importantly What do i talk about? After earnest attempts of introspection, I could pin point that I have NOT been writing since long!
Writing for myself, writing for my blog post and few interested (coerced) readers.

On the dawn of 2013 i decided that I will write regularly. I have a resolution to keep, an instinct to suffice. Nevertheless, this sheer laziness and lost soul inside me keeps me wandering in less productive and fruit-less works. I intended to publish this post in the first week of January. posting it now, a month later! I need to improve my timing and be more disciplined.

Nothing much of satire or sarcasm, least of all humour in this post. Should it always be like that, maybe not.

एक शेर लिखा था जब इलाहाबाद में पेहले साल था तो ..

हवा खुश्क , मौसम कुछ सर्द था 
और बस थी इतनी खबर के बेखबर थे हम ..  

On a better day!
Have Fun, Take care!

KD :)

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