Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Already three months to this year, eh? Belated, Happy New year!

Team Anna staged a one-day anshan at the jantar mantar on 25th march,
and re-itereated their deamnd for jan-lokpal bill to be passed.
two days later, i.e today a motion of censure was passed in the parliament against the usage of derogatory remarks by team anna against the parliamentarians during their stage shows and speeches for it hurts the righteousness and supremecy of the parliament (as bestowed by the constitution). However, interestingly, there was no such motion or even any action against the MPs who tore the women's reservation bill and the lokpal draft bill much prior to this incident. Moreover, the allegation is vehemently and plausibly challenged by the basic fact that there are 162 members of parliament who are still under CBI probe and other criminal charges (cases still pending). Now the underlying fact is that only three more days for the ongoing budget session of the parliament are left, which means no jan lok pal bill will be passes in this session. The movement which started actively last year (from april 5, 2011) , is yet to see any substantial improvement, and what is interesting here to know is that no member of the parliament opposes the lokpal individualy (or in media) then who stops the improvement is anybody's guess! No consensus among members is cited as the justification for this delay. 10 minutes is quite enough time to make consensus and reach a decision for the motivation has to be salary-hike, but for lokpal bill even a year does not suffice.
The television, newspaper, lok sabha, rajya sabha, auditoriums, public stages, drawing rooms, facebook, twitter, brains, brainless.. all are filled with debates. Unfortunately, it is only school debates that end up with results, not national debates. Dialogue is the key to solve issues, no doubt but dialogue should be followed by action too. It took 3 years to frame the Constitution of India, but what makes it take more than 40 years to induce in it a lokpal (lokpal bill first proposed in 1968) is certainly a matter to ponder over followed by some substntial actions.
The UPA-II rule has seen some of the ugliest scams in any goverment's rule is a fact, as true and believable as the sun that shines. These matters do not hurt the sentiments of the MPs. They remain unhurt, unshaken and unagitated to the news that 16 jawans (who were carrying amenities for the tribes including sewing machines, bicycles, medicines and others) were martyred by the naxalites while they were condemning someone who called them "CHOR". Tables, chairs, paper-wieghts and microphones have been hurrled and thrown in the august house is now a well digested fact, it never caused any agitation among the members. The Mafia growing so blatant that it kills the IPS officer and policemen leaves them unacting except for a two-minute silence. They (MPs) did not agitate to the fact and stats that in 5 years time 22000 farmers have committed suicide because of ignorance to their living conditions (as in 2011) while the 543 members of lok sabha have a combined asset (as declared in 2009 induction to lok sabha) of Rs 30,750 million. But, they are hurt by the terminology used by common people!
The common man is not akin to the "constitutional" lingua, so they they lose the right to ask their representatives to bring in a check to corruption. As pitty as pathetic it is.
Criminalization of Politics and Politicization of Crime is the (law and) order of the day.

All this while, the catalysing force for the movement, i.e We, the people, tend to losing the zeal and enthusiasm as each day passes by. This is but natural to us as the time has moulded us, we tend to lose interest and enthusiasm in any matter which stays for quite sometime, be it any trending news, be it kolaveri di, be it martyrs, be it rise in fuel price. Everything subsides now in a few days. The anti-corruption movement will get "boring" day by day. This innate human tendency, to move on, is known to the ruling government and they are tapping it to the best of their use, by delaying the lok pal bill.

Meanwhile, Mr. Vijay Mallaya can be accredited to the fact that nowadays children name Kingfisher when asked "Name a flightless bird.".

On a better day.

Have Fun!
Take care!

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